Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Timely Word

I opened my tattered Bible to read this morning. God has this unique ability to take His truth and apply it to current circumstances in my life. What I read this morning seemed as fresh and current as this morning's newspaper.

An infinitely wise and all knowing God is able to do that repeatedly. I read in awe this morning. In awe of what God spoke and the hope it brought, in awe of the timeliness of the word and in awe of a God who knows just what I need and when I need it. I am humbled and encouraged. It inspires me to keep reading. I am working my way through the word again this year in Luke. It is rich and rewarding.

His word is food for my soul, fuel for my service and inspiration for my passion. How can I ever put into words how thankful I am for His word and for His ability to apply it to my circumstances. On top of that He chose me to teach, preach, and write His truth. Most importantly He helps me to live truth. I still falter but when I do He helps me get back up again.

Many years ago, in fact decades ago, I made a commitment to read God's word consistently. I have benefitted more than I can put onto this computer screen. One of my heroes, George Mueller, read trough the Bible 200 times in his life. I am nowhere near that number but I have read trough it multiple times. There are passages forever stamped on my mind and heart that came at just the right moment and scriptures God used to direct me. Those encounters in His word have shaped my life.

I pray as a pastor and preacher that God will use me to preach timely words for people. Like happened this past Sunday night. I actually preached the same message on a mission trip the previous week to a group of students. In the middle of it I knew it was the word for Sunday night. Afterward on that Sunday night,  a lady directing VBS told me the message was intended for her. She had grown weary and had lost heart thinking her efforts really did not matter. God met her between the pages of the Bible with a timely word. I love those moments and long for thousands and thousands more of them. That is not an exaggeration. I pray over the course of my life God will meet people through His word tens of thousands of times in my ministry. Whether that be teaching, preaching or writing. His word is timely. I want multiple encounters in my private life.

With that in mind I am inspired to keep reading and ministering His word. You never know when a timely word will come like it did for me this morning at just the right time.

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