Friday, July 26, 2019


I have a friend whom I love much and who has gone through a severe trial for the past several months. I've enjoyed some time we spent together at a couple of camps this summer. He is funny. He is gifted. He loves Jesus. Today my admiration and respect for him increased greatly.

At the couple of camps he and I had the chance to share our burdens with one another privately. We even got to ride in a vehicle together for about four hours. We had some great conversations. I admire this brother. Truth be told I love him. I believe in him.

Back up a couple of days ago. Late one night Tucker parked right behind Brenda. He and Taylor leave for work at 6:00 a.m. everyday. Only on that day Brenda had a doctor's appointment early and needed to leave about 5:45 a.m. She backed right into his car unaware he was behind her.

It has not been a good summer for driving around here. I had a wreck in late May. We prayed hard for  weeks pleading with God to help to pay for damages to the truck I hit and our car that had just been given to us. I couldn't turn it in on insurance and so we prayed. We prayed some more and more than that. God came through and I praise His name for it.

To just climb out of that hole we needed to catch up on several things and every single car we own, except Tanner's, needs repairs. God worked a $500 miracle through a man I ate breakfast with this past Monday. I praised God and thanked his servant for the blessing. I thought we were finally catching a break and could see a little light at the end of the tunnel.

Then, Brenda backed into Tucker's car on accident. Nobody's fault. Accidents happen. It's part of life. Momentarily my heart sunk. Then I turned to God and prayed, "This is another opportunity for You to work a miracle and build a testimony."

Now back to my friend. I got a letter today in the mail. When I read the card I saw some money. The card said my friend for a couple of weeks had felt led to send the gift. He did not do so initially but finally had to as a matter of obedience. It arrived one day after our unforeseen accident. Just two weeks before Tucker goes back to college. My friend's sacrificial gift should cover all the repairs on the car. God sent the provision before the accident even occurred. Amazing.

What makes this testimony even more powerful is that my friend is only temporarily employed right now. His contract on his temporary job ends on July 31 and still he and his wife sacrificed to meet a need in my life I did not even know I had when he sent God's provision. God used my friend's sacrifice to meet a need in my family. I love him all the more for it and respect him all the more for his willingness to sacrifice and trust God. He did this at a time when things are so uncertain in his own life.

Just this week I asked God to enlarge my platform to testify for Him and bring more glory to His name. This is another miracle story I will get to tell while preaching and writing. Yet, I am reminded it did not come without great sacrifice.

Brenda and I have been the recipients of many miraculous supplies to meet needs over the years. While God has used a few wealthy people to help us He has used middle class or people without great financial means more. They have sacrificed to keep me doing what God has called me to do. To walk by faith, preach and teach His word, labor for revival and to write truth.

I will not lie. It will be hard to look my friend in the eye knowing the great sacrifice he and his wife made. He has no idea about the accident yet. I sit here awed by this great God I serve. I am awed that He hears prayers. I am awed that He has the power to use people to accomplish His purposes. He can lay any need on anyone and communicate the need to any vessel He chooses.

I believe one of my purposes on earth is to live out faith and inspire others to trust God more and to pray more. Truly nothing is impossible with Him. He is faithful. Yet His faithfulness often comes with sacrifice. Jehovah sacrificed His Son. He calls others to make sacrifices for Him. I am humbled and unworthy to receive either.

I thank God for my friend. He inspires me tonight. I thank God for once again coming through for us. I thank God for all the testimonies He has given me over the years to brag on Him. I long for the day when Brenda and I will be at the place where God calls us to sacrifice to meet needs in someone's life. How I praise Him for His faithfulness.

Luke 21:1-4 (NKJV)
1  And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury,
2  and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites.
3  So He said, "Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all;
4  for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had."

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