Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Chair

I walked into the room and saw the furnishings. One chair stood out. You know how in people's houses people have their designated spots to sit. Usually the husband has a chair as well as the wife. I try to be conscientious about that when visiting a place. The same thing is true in dining rooms. I do not want to be guilty of sitting in a spot not designated for me.

Multiple times I walked into that same room. A room I've stepped in repeatedly over the years. There are multiple chairs in the room. I've met friends in that room. I've prayed in that room with brothers in Christ. I even attended some meetings in that room. One chair in that room always seemed off limits to me. I could never bring myself to sit there. In fact I refused to sit in that chair in a recent meeting. It was not mine to sit in.

Oddly enough I happened to be in that same room yesterday. Once again I opted not to sit in that one chair in that room. There were only two of us present. We both were bustling about the room in activity but that chair remained vacant and I knew deep inside it was not my chair to sit in.

Not yet at least. You see that chair is in the pastor's office at Spring Creek. It is the pastor's chair. Wedged between the credenza and the desk. I have not set there yet because I was not the pastor. Even though I am the newly called and elected pastor I do not officially begin until July 29th. Until then I wait. That chair is reserved. Until our ministry officially begins it is not my chair to sit in. The day is coming, Lord willing, when I will sit in that chair at that desk for hours on end. I will pray in that chair. I will study in that chair. I will read God saturated books in that chair. I will dream God's dream in that chair. I will write from that chair.

It's a prestigious seat. A seat of honor that comes with a sacred trust I take seriously. It is a positional chair that comes with an honorable title. Humbly will I take that chair. Not yet. Soon but not yet. Just a few more days before I sit in that chair and pull up to the desk. I thank God for the opportunity to sit in a chair I dreamed about for decades. God has brought it to fulfillment. I am humbled. I am also eager to assume those responsibilities and to give back to people who have so much to Brenda and I nearly three decades ago. I eagerly await the day I get to sit in that chair.

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