Monday, March 4, 2019

Word Of God Speak

One of the most thrilling things about a close walk with Jesus is that He speaks to His people through His word. I have more than one Bible marked, underlined, hi-ighted and scribbled in with personal notes. When I come across those passages it reminds of an encounter I had with Him at some point.

In those encounters I have received instructions, comfort, rebuke, strength, hope, peace, reassurance, new ministry assignments and wisdom. It makes walking with Jesus a thrilling adventure. Walking with Him is a real dynamic relationship. Walking with Him is just as real as any other relationship you have with someone else. Only most people have contented themselves to just know about Him and never to really know Him. Knowing Him leads to encounters where He speaks.

I love it when God speaks to His people. Everything can change on a dime. It did for Moses at the burning bush. One moment Moses watched over sheep in the backwoods of the desert. Isolated. Bored. In that place God showed up, grabbed Moses' attention through a burning bush and revealed the mission God assigned and Moses would give the rest of his life to fulfilling.

It's one thing to read about God speaking to Moses. It is a whole other matter when God makes it more personal and speaks to us. When God calls us to His divinely chosen assignment. When He calls us to adjust our lives to get in step with Him. When He interrupts our boring mundane lives with a fresh word from Him.

And it is not just the big things. It's the daily things. The small things matter too. When God speaks about a character issue. When God prompts a sacrificial gift. When God calls for a step of faith. When God says step through a door of opportunity or when God shuts a door  on what looked like a can't miss opportunity. When God calls for a word of witness. When He demands you forgive someone who wronged and hurt you.

God speaks through His word. He encounters people through the pages of scripture. He meets people in His holy inspired word. The more He speaks through the Bible the more it whets our appetite for more. Reading the Bible should not be a drudgery done dutifully but not with delight. It should be like reading a love letter. The Bible is God's love letter. It is His revelation of Himself and His ways to us.

This morning as you awake and prepare to attack the day I hope you pause long enough to seek God in the Bible. I trust that He will speak to the multitudes through those sacred scriptures all around the world. More importantly I pray that He speak to you.  Only He knows what He will say today. Only He knows what encounters await us as we crack open our Bibles and pray, "Word of God speak."

Psalm 119:18 (ESV)
18  Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.

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