Monday, June 3, 2024

Saving America

 When I look at this once great country, my heart breaks to see what has become of it today. A very vocal minority have stormed the beachhead of ideologies and toppled everything that once was held sacred. God, Bible, marriage, family, education, life of the young and elderly, and even down to gender. 

I am a one God, one Savior, and one Bible guy. I do not believe in pluralism. I do not adhere to the belief that all religions are equal. I know in the United States people are given the right to believe whatever they want to believe. THAT DOES NOT MAKE THEIR BELIEFS RIGHT! God set it straight in the first of the Ten Commandments. You shall have no others gods before Me. [Ex 20:4] Islam is not another form of Christianity. ISLAM IS A FALSE RELIGION. A MAN MADE DOCTRINE. A PAGAN PRACTICE. I am not ashamed to say so. Do not fall for all the happy talk. A true Muslim considers Christians as infidels and sworn enemies. Just as Christians are out to convert the world, so are Muslims and they appear to be more successful than we are. 

Right here in the United States, I was told three cities exist in the state of Michigan called free zones. A free zone is a place where not only is Islam tolerated, it is preferred and a Christian going into that free zone trying to convert Muslims could be arrested for stirring up trouble. So much for freedom of religion when Muslims are given special privileges while the rights of Christians are trampled on repeatedly. In the DFW area, a man told me recently a street he grew up on as a child where is old home used to be has been renamed to Islamic Way. Several states and cities are converting their flags to include the Islamic star with eight points instead of the traditional five pointed star. One nation under God does not mean what it used to for many folks. One God. Now a duplicity of gods has duped millions. 

The celebration of "pride month" has already begun. A lesbian lover was recently interviewed and featured for her marriage to a female partner. I don't care what the Supreme Court ruled. God established and defined marriage. No perversion from His plan will ever be seen as anything else but sin in His eyes. No matter how many people get on board, fly flags, march in parades, tolerate, or even legislate cannot change God's mind and His word for those who have the courage to stand. Does God love homosexuals? Yes. Can Jesus save and deliver homosexuals? Yes. He will not change His mind and ever say homosexuality is tolerated and celebrated by Him. Homosexuality is no worse than any other sin, but IT IS STILL SIN!

Since when did talking so foul mouthed become seen as professional. F-bombs and gds are common in society. My family watched a faith based movie this past weekend. For the first time in my life I heard three f-bombs dropped in a trailer about a summer block buster movie soon to be released. I have deep convictions about watching movies with such language. I wish more Christians did. Christians support such foul mouthed movies as freely as the pagans. My entire family was highly offended by that trailer. Some church people may talk that way, but me and my house do not. Do not even get me started on Christian schools with foul mouthed students, coaches, teachers, and parents. As a Christian coach, I do not tolerate potty mouths. The word Christian means something. It means we are supposed to be like CHRIST in our behavior and speech. 

Pornography is penetrating most homes and parents are hiding their heads in the sand pretending it does not effect them and their children. You have to be kidding. NO FAMILY IS IMMUNE. If you have devices connected to the internet, people in your household are vulnerable. You have to courageously confront because sin is crouching at the door, but you must mater it. [Gen 4:7] Pornography leads to addiction, immorality, rape, sexual abuse, and adultery. These sins are in the church too. 

Our country is being invaded. Fighting age men crossing our borders giving pseudo addresses once they enter. Violent men with evil intent are being flown across the nation at night while we sleep. Another terrorist attack seems imminent. One day we will feel the fury of those who hate us within our own borders because our elected officials refused to stand to protect those borders. It feels like a ticking time bomb waiting to blast. 

Lying lawmakers break their political promises with ease. They sell our best interests in order to pad their pockets with lobbyist money. They undermine the very country they swore to protect and serve. Many like our current President, are paid and bought off by our adversaries. They are compromised and mere puppets and figureheads doing the bidding of those who hate us and want to see us destroyed. 

Globalist work behind the scenes to escalate a WWWIII because war is good for business for the military industrial complex. It is also a good way to purge the deplorables of society who march out of step with the rest. Our justice department is used as a weapon against political opponents. Justice is bought and paid for be the highest bidders. Compromised justices are incapable of ruling fairly when they are bought and paid for by wealthy elite with an agenda. Trust and justice are not for all. 

Consumer prices continue to climb leaving the lower and middle classes struggling to survive. This will lead to an implosion of the economy at some point. Is another Great Depression on the horizon? Many think so. In the meantime, who can afford a new vehicle or house? 

Children are no longer seen as a gift from God. They are used as guinea pigs to manipulate and indoctrinate to cultural and Godless ideologies. History is revised in the classroom to confuse them to the truth. Fundament facts are discarded and misrepresentations replace them. Children are brainwashed into doubting their gender. They are fed falsehoods about sexuality and groomed for victimization and indoctrination into the LGBTQ lifestyle. Parents oppose bringing their children to church to learn about Jesus, but flock to the libraries for Drag Queen story times. 

Where is the church? Sitting politely, quietly, and impotently on the sidelines of culture. Many churches are not growing but slowly dying. Christians are not always fully committed. Fewer live with convictions as they compromise with a culture gone wild. The church is no longer transforming culture but being transformed by culture. Hollywood is imitated more than holy God. Jesus is mocked and rejected more than American Idol. Satan is revered by the Satanic Temple more than Jehovah and Jesus among many of His own people. Legalists squeeze the life of God out of religious rituals. Liberals pervert Bible truths to satisfy their own twisted views. 

America needs saving, but the Savior is openly defied and ridiculed. Hypocrites try and hide their sin while pretending to be walking the straight and narrow. The prayer rooms are vacant. The eyes are dry. True faith is harder to find. America needs saving. I hope we repent and turn back to God before it is too late. As Lenoard Ravehill famously preached, "America is too young to die." 

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