Wednesday, June 5, 2024

It's Too Hard

 I visited a football coach last night who told me a sad tale. He commented that during the spring semester he had 33 kids who signed up to play football. As the summer cranks up, he is down to 11. I asked what happened. He replied, "They said it was too hard. I am not about easy."

His comment reminds me of Christians. Those who are half hearted and half dedicated to Jesus and His causes. These people want a Jesus who will enhance their lives. Bless them. Forgive them. Help them in tough times. They do not want the Jesus who calls people to hard things like denying yourself, taking up your cross daily, and following Him. [Luke 9:23] 

Did Jesus say it was too hard when He hung blood bathed on the cross? Did the disciples say it too hard when they were beaten, thrown off buildings, stoned, hung, beheaded and burned? Did the Apostle John say it was too hard when a boiling cauldron of oil was poured on him. He survived that execution attempt and was exiled on the island of Patmos? Did Paul say it was too hard when he was stoned and left for dead? When he was brutally beaten with back bloodied and bruised, whisper the cost of following Jesus was too hard? What about Polycarp when he was sizzling in the fire like a steak, but not burned? I could recount the stories of William Carey, David Brainerd, Hudson Taylor, Adoniram Judson, Jim Elliott, Nate Saint, Amy Carmichael, Jackie Pullinger, and scores and scores of other relentless followers of Jesus. 

This Christian generation is soft. Some think a Sunday morning worship attendance is a sacrificial commitment. There are so many other things to compete. Ball games, recreational trips, and family functions trump Jesus and His calling. Fewer people seem willing to volunteer. Wait staff get better tips than God much of the time. People may own Bibles, but they are seldom cracked open and read. The pages are still stuck together in some from lack of use. 

Getting up early to read and study is hard. Staying up late for prayer sessions is hard. Ask E.M. Bounds, Leonard Ravehill, and John Hyde. Traveling the world to share the gospel is hard. Ask D.L. Moody, Billy Graham, and Greg Laurie. Staying up late to watch a movie is easy. Taking exotic vacations around the world is easy. 

Following Jesus is not always easy. Sometimes it is hard. SOMETIMES IT IS VERY HARD! Is He worth it? If following, loving, serving, and sacrificing, and even suffering worth it? I say yes. A thousand times yes. A million times yes. We may not be rewarded down here, but one day the reward of eternal life will be greater than any hardships we encountered in life. It will not seem too hard then. It will be a momentary and light affliction. In light of what Jesus suffered on the cross, following Him anywhere, at anytime, to do anything is not too hard. 

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