Tuesday, October 3, 2023

I Don't Believe in Organized Religion

 " I don't believe in organized religion." Those were the first words out of the mouth of a man I just met at 1 Way detox ministry this past week. He grew up in a church. He said he grew tired of being judged by people who did the same things He did. I listened intently. I prayed silently for where to take our study. 

He next said that He did not believe in the virgin birth of Jesus I told them so much hinged on that one fact. We started in Genesis and worked our way to Jesus hitting the high points of Bible history. He listened. He felt their were many ways for a person to get to a good afterlife. He also said he did not believe in God. He believed in a higher power of some sort but did not identify who or what that higher power might be. 

I see it increasingly. People try to invent their own religions. They come up with their belief system based on what fits into their lifestyle conveniently. Here is the issue. We do not set the rules. No matter how many people agree with us. This world did not start with us and it will not end with us. A holy God who identifies Himself as Yahweh created the universe. He set the rules. They are non negotiable. Many have tried. Many found out when it was too late to repent that Yahweh is real, He is sovereign, and He is a terrifying righteous judge for those who rebel against Him. 

It is a terrifying dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Not a dead manmade idol. There is nowhere to hide. This all seeing God sees all and knows all our deeds. Nothing escapes His notice. He not only sees our deeds, but He also knows our thoughts. His eyes move throughout the whole earth keeping record of wrongs. 

Only those who have repented and believed Jesus to forgive and to save will be delivered from the wrath of the Almighty. No concocted belief system will ever justify depraved humanity. No matter how sincerely people believe falsehoods they are sincerely wrong. They will never be forgiven on their merits. 

It is tragic how many believe they can play their own set of religious beliefs and reinvent the rules. This is a foolish choice. God is patient. Long in mercy. Filled with compassion. If He were not, the whole earth would be destroyed again like in the days of the flood. It is the mercy of God that lets us live another day without judgment. 

Make this well. Judgment is coming. For some it will come in death. The truth about God and Jesus will be forever revealed to those who die. Judgment is also coming in the rapture and the Great Tribulation. People better get right before they get left. Salvation is available through Jesus. I hope many will turn to Him before it is too late. 

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