Thursday, September 21, 2023

In Hot Pursuit

 I awakened this morning with a burden for a couple of people. A couple of people that God is in hot pursuit of redeeming and drawing to Himself. He does that. He convicts, draws, opens blinded eyes, and reveals Himself to people who otherwise do not give Him the time of day. 

I am encouraged that because of the burden it is proof that God is working on the other end too. I do not know how. I do not know to what extent. I just know He is working. God is in the seeking and saving people who are far from Him business. He is on mission. In hot pursuit with the hounds of heaven nipping at the heels of those who do not know Him. He loves to rescue the perishing. 

He does it all over the world. He is in hot pursuit of Muslims, Hindus, and those caught up in African witchcraft religions. He chases after the wealthy, the impoverished, the famous, the obscure, the dark skinned and lite skinned. He desires to bring into His fold children, teenagers, and adults. Nobody is so far gone that He cannot reach, so hard that He cannot break, and so depraved that He cannot forgive. 

John Newton wrote those famous words in the hymn Amazing Grace, "Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see." All over the world, every single day, people grow weary of running from God. Once He seizes a heart there is no stopping Him. When He sets His sights on a soul it is only a matter of time before they are brought into His family. 

I wonder who are all the people God is in hot pursuit of redeeming. Skaters. Lawyers. Doctors. Mechanics. Police officers. Long shore men. Soldiers. Construction workers. Nurses. Janitors. Chefs. Cooks. Teachers. Coaches. Oil field workers. Stay at home moms. All over the world He is in pursuit of people. 

I am thankful that 40 years ago He set me squarely in His cross hairs and targeted me at a junior varsity football game. He sent a messenger with a gospel message burning in His heart. He shared that message with me. The God who had been in hot pursuit of me all my life broke through. He won my heart and affection. I have not been the same since that October day back in 1983. 

I wonder if God will use this writing in someone's life around the world to hotly pursue their salvation. I pray He does. I pray He does so soon. I also pray He will remain relentlessly in hot pursuit of the ones He woke me up about this morning. There is always room for more in His family. 

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