Monday, January 3, 2022

What Lies Ahead?

 No doubt by this time you have heard numerous greetings and hopes for a happy and prosperous new year in 2022. Truth is none of us knows what lies ahead. It may turn out to be the greatest year of our lives. It could also be one of the most trying years we have faced. Only God knows what lies ahead. 

Whether you are filled with great optimism about 2022 or carry a more pessimistic outlook, one thing is for sure. Whatever happens in 2022 God will still rule and reign in supreme control. He will see us through both triumphs and defeats. He will stand by our sides in times of grief as well as gratitude. He will not forsake us when we fall into sin nor be overly impressed when we do right. His love will remain steadfast. 

So no matter what lies ahead, we can be confident that our God will see us through. He will faithfully meet our needs. He will shoulder our burdens. He will grant peace in turbulent times. He will comfort in sorrow. He will offer guidance in times of confusion. He will be both mountain mover and miracle worker when needed. He will be strength in our weakness and perseverance when it would be easier to give up and throw in the towel. He will be our light in the darkness, our refuge in the storms, our reason to praise at the midnight hour. He will be faithful and true. He is the great I AM. 

We need not fear 2022. Go ahead and dream. Just let your dreams be God inspired rather than self driven. Go after those God inspired dreams. He will be all. you need to see those come true. 

After living over five decades, I am convinced of this truth. 2022 will bring seasons of great joy as well as some of sorrows. 2022 will present some challenges to overcome as well as some testimonies for over comers. In this fledgeling new year, there will be opportunities to trust God. There may also be times when doubt could possibly creep in. Keep your eyes on God and stay focused in His word. They will not fail you no matter what lies ahead. 

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