Thursday, July 29, 2021

Celebrated Anniversary

 I celebrate an anniversary this week. A most blessed and treasured anniversary. An anniversary of a wedded heart. 

If you regularly read these blogs, you may be confused at this point. I wrote extensively back in June about celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary with Brenda. I am not writing about that. I have a confession to make. I have given my heart to another. 

I am not talking about marital infidelity. Brenda is aware of my wedded heart to another. She even supports it. I assure you I am not violating scripture. I am not dishonoring God either. 

You see, this week marks the two year anniversary of God leading and the flock of Spring Creek calling me to be their pastor. Brenda and I both have wedded our hearts to those precious people. We love them. While we may work hard, we have found extensive joy in the journey. The memories mount on top of old ones thirty years ago with new ones each passing week. We celebrate the progress of all God has done and continues to do. 

It is a beautiful thing when God weds the heart of a pastor to a congregation and the congregation weds their heart to a pastor and his family. Spring Creek is not a stepping stone to something bigger and better. It is home for us. A place we'd love to plant deep roots and even our bodies one day in the Spring Creek cemetery. 

I embrace each facet of the pastoral ministry at Spring Creek. The role of a shepherd to care for the flock. The enjoyment of fellowship with beloved brothers and sisters after Sunday evening services. The shared sweat of the brow with hard working servant minded men and women. The feeding of their souls with the nourishment of God's word. The counseling. The leading people to Christ. The planning. Being there in triumphant times. Suffering with the suffering. The BAPTISMS!

It has only been two years, but it feels like a lifetime of memories have been crammed into these past two years. I am as content as I have ever been in my life. I thank God for bringing Brenda and I back to Spring Creek. God brought us back home. May He allow our roots to grow deep in the Spring Creek soil of people's lives for a long time to come. 

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