Friday, November 9, 2018

Follow Me

This is not a foreign message to my ears. Seven and a half years ago in response to this same message, "Follow Me," from Jesus I uprooted my family, ministry and life to what I believed was His call to a new direction. I am very familiar with Jesus' message to, "Follow Me."

In recent days that same message has resurfaced undeniably. I first read it in a devotion book with scripture references [John 14:3] and [John 21:22]. What really got my attention that morning was the title of the devotion. It simply read, "Follow Me."

That same day I got in my vehicle and turned on the radio the song playing was Chris Tomlin's song, "I Will Follow."

In subsequent days I have read each of these passages in my normal Bible reading. [Matt 4:18-22]. [Matt 8:22] [Matt 9:9] [Heb 11:8] [Is 6:8]

Just yesterday I heard the Cris Tomlin song "I Will Follow" again along with another song from Mercy Me titled, "Where You Lead Me I Will Follow" within a few minutes of each other. It appears to me Jesus is calling for my attention.

Following Jesus is my ambition. Yesterday that meant following Him to make contacts with some hurting and suffering people. There are days where following Jesus means getting up in the wee hours to make a hospital visit or to comfort a grieving family over the death of a loved one. Sometimes following Jesus means getting out of the comfortable cozy bed at unreasonable hours to pray. Sometimes following Jesus means packing a suitcase and traveling to another town, state or country to minister. Following Jesus has meant giving away possessions, opening our home for different people to live with us at different times. On a few occasions following Jesus has meant moving to a new town and a new ministry.

It does not matter where Jesus is leading. It only matters that we get behind Him and follow. Like that old song we used to sing preaches, Wherever He Leads I'll Go. 

Let's be honest. Following Jesus is not for the faint of heart. It is not easy. He does not always lead to comfortable places. Many times He has lead me to minister to terminally ill people. Such people have often testified how other people mostly avoid them. It is uncomfortable trying to talk someone you know is about to die. We weird out. THEY ARE STILL PEOPLE. They still have feelings. They still need people.

Jesus will often lead you to the down and out people. He will often lead to the hard, uncomfortable, and risky places. Ask William Carey. Ask Adoniram Judson. Ask David Bainerd, Hudson Taylor, Lottie Moon, Amy Carmichael or Jackie Pullinger.

Following Jesus may lead to sacrifice. He may lead you into financially difficult situations. He may lead you away from everything comfortable and secure like He did with Abraham. [Heb 11:8]

This is the pattern of scripture. I just don't get this modern church where people act as if following Jesus only means attending some religious gatherings weekly. He is the Master and we are the servants to do His bidding no matter what it is or where it leads.

Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh but following God meant doing so anyway. Job did not want to suffer but God allowed him to anyway. Mary questioned having the Savior as a young girl out of wedlock conceived by the Holy Spirit. She submitted anyway. I am sure through the years many did not want to be martyrs but they followed Jesus to the death. People like Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Rachel Scott, and many others history has forgotten their names.

Following Jesus is not optional for children of God. It is not a suggestion when convenient. I would submit that following God is often inconvenient. It is still required.

So I put on my marching boots and get in file behind Jesus along with many others. We may not alway know where He is leading but we do know we are called to follow.

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