Friday, December 27, 2019


In 2008 a friend introduced me to blogging. He set up my page and I started writing on a number of topics. I posted 79 blogs that first year I think. From 2008-2017 God inspired me to write over 1,500 posts on a different blog site that has been visited over 144,000 times. That represents three different ministry seasons in three different churches. The site is still up at

In the middle of 2018 I needed a change in a lot of ways. A fresh start. That is when I dreamed the idea for the  follow hard blog site. It reflected more of my heart at that stage in life. It still does. That first year I wrote 228 posts. It was the second most I ever wrote in single year. One year I wrote 234 blogs.

At the dawn of 2019 I set a goal to write more consistently. I had a number in mind that seemed quite a stretch. Just moments ago I penned a poem titled Unspoken. It marked the 300th post for the year. An accomplishment I give God all the credit  and glory for. I assure you it is not something I could achieve on my own.

God provides the inspiration. Take for example, this morning. While in bed I thought. The first words and sentences formed in my mind. I pulled back the covers, fired up the computer and started typing away. One blog turned into two and then three.

God put this desire to write in me. I have to write. To be honest, writing is therapy for me. I work through several things by hammering out my thoughts on the printed page. Sometimes I write emotionally raw material. It may be tough for some to read. It doesn't always paint me in the best light. It is real. At times too real for some.  These blogs are inspired in every season of life. Triumph, gratitude, suffering, laughter, faith, interesting experiences and people, society ills, trials, struggles, joys and most of all insights God gives me in my devotional readings. I read through the Bible at my own pace. You can normally tell where I am in my reading when you see frequent blogs from certain books of the Bible.

I write by feel. I am sure I break many writing norms. Most write and then get the titles. I usually get the titles first. I don't plan out what I write. I just write as God stirs me. That may not work for everyone, but God uses it in me. I'm not a technical writer. My goal is not to impress with literary skills, but to write to the heart. I want the reader to see what I see, feel what I feel pointing them to God.

I have to write. It is in me. I seldom know if these blogs make any difference in people. I pray they do. If I write from my personal pain, I hope it helps someone else as they battle through the pains of life. When God answers prayers in a dramatic way, I write about it to inspire others not to lose heart. Writing has never been about making money for me. It has always been about ministry. I write to help people.

Through this amazing gift of blogging, I am able to write to help people all over the world. It can be accessed directly through the blogsite or through the pastor's corner at

I thank God for recent visits to this site from people from Ukraine, one week there were over 400 visitors from there and 160 from the United States. People have visited from Russia, Portugal, India, Spain and several others. That is truly a gift from God to potentially help people all over the world.

God has done all of that through a starry eyed dreamer from east Texas. Through a gift called blogging. I can't define blogging. I just write praying to help people. I don't know what 2020 will hold. At this point I've not set any writing goals for the new year. Except for one. I pray, plan and hope to keep writing, and hopefully to keep helping people all over the world. .

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