Thursday, November 14, 2019

Setting The Example

I spent time learning some valuable lessons this past week. While on a mission trip watching our guys do construction work, I felt like a fish out of water. They talked about thigs being square and plum. In my world those words mean a nerd and piece of fruit.

They used tools like a speed square, chop saw, skill saw, sawzaw, nail bar, chalk line, tape measure, couplings, pvc pipe, and other tools or materials I don't even know their names. Most of the time I stood around like a calf looking at a new gate. They worked circles around me. I tried to make myself useful by taking out the demolition debris and sweeping the floors. My skill set did offer much to the projects.

While I stood in the way most of the time, I watched three of our five deacons work circles around me tirelessly. I got tired even just standing and had no problem sleeping at night. I am amazed. Amazed at men older than me working harder than me. I am amazed at their skill and knowledge. If there is a word bigger than amazed I would use it.  I saw deacons being deacons.

I am not surprised. I have seen these men doing the same things around the church for months. They minister to people. They serve and give of their time and money. They take care of widows. They have set such a great example of what it means to serve people, it makes me know that I have to do better. I have to give more. To go the extra mile. To put others before myself.

Those are the lessons I learned while away in south Texas this past week. I am supposed to be one teaching them. I stand behind the pulpit and sit at the table to preach and teach. They did the teaching this week. I was the student. I was a pupil under their wise and watchful leadership.

Thank you guys for teaching me. Please be patient with me for I have a whole lot to learn. God is using you to teach me men.

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