Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Acquire Wisdom

Proverbs 4:7 (NASB)
7  "The beginning of wisdom is: Acquire wisdom; And with all your acquiring, get understanding.

Wisdom is needed in the world today. For a society who prides itself on the value of education, we sure make some moronic decisions that lack wisdom. We introduce young children to issues way beyond their ability to understand. People push their agendas. 

I am horrified when I keep reading reports about drag queens reading books to children in public libraries during story times. In some instances, these story times are financially sponsored by city budgets. I even read one report where the reader got on the ground and parents let their children crawl all over him. Does that seem wise to anyone? 

Is it wise to introduce young children to confusion about their gender at such young and impressionable ages and adolescence? This can alrady be a confusing time for youngsters before adding this issue. We are not solving a gender identity issue. We are creating a crisis that will not be fully understood until years down the road. 

Pedophilia has a name for the kind of behavior being introduced to some children. It is called grooming. They use such techniques to introduce sexual behavior to their victims. It seems clear to me that a drag queen reading to children is dangerous on two levels. First, they hope to make such reprehensible behavior more and more acceptable by mainstream society. Secondly, they are actively recruiting children who fall victim to them and eventually adopt their lifestyle. All the while, parents smile and say they want to introduce their children to diverse points of view and cultures. 

In colleges, all sorts of things are being taught as truth. Professing to be wise they make themselves fools. Truth is absolute. Higher education espouses that truth is what feels like truth to you. If you believe it that can be your truth, even though it may not be true for someone else. Every idealology is given supposed equal footing. Except for Jesus Christ and Christianity for vehemenently rejected and opposed. 

We are instructed to acquire wisdom. Wisdom and skilled understanding and divine intelligence. Wisdom is both revealed and learned through experience and study. You gain wisdom from life, from trying and failing, from dealing with people, from painful trials and victories. Wisdom must also be studied. In books, Most especially in the Bible. It more than gathering information and intelligence. It is gaining God's perspective. It taking God's world view. 

We are exhorted to acquire wisdom. That means we are to go to great lengths to gain it and possess it. How? For starters, by reading, studying, and meditating on the truths in the Bible. God has chocked full His word with wisdom. Wisdom about finances. Wisdom about marriage, raising children, relating to people, how to overcome adversity, how to handle success, how to endure, how to avoid anxiety and a host of other topics. All there ripe for the picking to the diligent students who long for more understanding. 

We are also exhorted to ask for wisdom in the book of James expecting that we shall receive it. If we pray for wisdom, God will bless His followers with greater understanding. 

What if wise people were put in places of leadership in our society? What if our President and Congress ruled with wisdom? What if judges decided court cases with widsom? What if professors taught with wisdom? What if parents raised their children with wisdom? What if business people led their companies with wisdom? What if bosses dealt with their employess using wisdom?

The more this society forsakes wisdom and embraces higher criticism, reason, logic and doing what seems right unto themselves we are a doomed culture. To forsake wisdom is to embrace the consequences that come with foolish choices. 

Don't believe me. Ask Rome. Ask Israel. Ask Germany. Ask our forefathers in the United States. We are not the nation we once were. We have fallen from nobility into debauchery. 

With all our acquiring may we acquire wisdom. 

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