Saturday, November 23, 2019

Helpless But Not Hopeless

Awkward silence filled the room. None of us wanted to be there. Due to circumstances beyond our control, we found ourselves huddled in a very small room. We made small talk for awhile. Eventually small talk subsided into silence. Silent waiting for the inevitable. We waited in a holding room for Turner's ACL reconstruction surgery. I prayed for him, wishing all the time, we did not even have to be there.

I watched Turner. Always a happy go lucky son with a tremendous attitude. In the beginning, he chatted nervously. As the time drew near, we all got quiet. Watching my son I wished he did not have to go through the surgery. I sat helpless to keep the pain and the long grueling recovery from him. Turner has said all along that tests make testimonies.  I have heard him say he counts it a joy to be counted worthy to suffer this for the Lord. His eyes remain on Jesus and has not wavered since the night in October when he first got injured missing half of his junior season.

I might have felt helpless to do anything to protect my son, but Turner is not hopeless. Neither is his mon and dad.

At the time of this writing, Turner is laying on the couch icing his knees. He ate some lunch and he, Taylor and I are watching some college football games. He is able to get up on his own with crutches. He is in pain. He is not without hope. He is not mad at God. He said that out loud recently.

The Edwards family is facing another trial. We have faced multiple as a family over the past two decades. We have been helpless many times but never hopeless. God is still in control. You may feel helpless, but if you are a child of God, you are not hopeless.

Psalm 34:19 (ESV)
19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.

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