As so often happens God gave me a timely word in my devotion readings. Such a timely word I could not keep it for myself. I shared it last night with the flock. Even as I taught it I could see the word was timely for others in attendance also.
It is a wonderful thing to watch God take His word, His truth, His message and apply it to the needs of people. Sometimes He does this through reproof and rebuke. Sometimes He does it through exhortation. Many times He does it through comfort.
Comfort is what I sensed Him doing last night all over the room. Each attendee face their own battles. They face their own mountains and arel oaded down with heavy burdens. It is a wonder to watch people come into a gathering weary and worn and to leave with hope and renewed faith because God revived them with His word.
So much of the time through the years all I have done is shared words that God first gave to me. It reminds me of a prayer a friend long ago used to pray for me. He prayed, "Lord, I ask you to preach it to Matt before he preaches it to us." God does a lot of that. He preaches to me in a private worship service within the walls of this home office seated at this wooden desk. I meet with Him here. He speaks to me and ministers to me before an audience of just one.
I love those encounters when God gives me a timely word. A word perfect for that season. A fresh word that meets the need of the hour. It is also rewarding to see God do that for others through teaching and preaching.
Here was the fresh word from yesterday and last night. A very familiar passage God made fresh and timely for April 10, 2019.
Joshua 1:9 (NKJV)
9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
The word strong can mean stouthearted. Be strong in the Lord. This might mean emotional strength to overcome disappointments, hurts and griefs. This might mean spiritual strength to face your challenges with faith. This may include physical strength to not give up and to keep toeing the line in your battles. Being stouthearted is so much more than brute force. It is being resilient. It is persevering. It is not shrinking back from challenges.
The words good courage means to be steadfastly minded. When athletes face a challenge they have a saying, "You have to get your mind right." What challenges are you facing that necessitate you to get stouthearted and fortified in your mind? It is amazing how just having the right mindset can make a challenge easier. I used to make games out of work. To see if I could put the gravel in the wheelbarrow with less shovel loads than the time before. To stack one more bag of concrete to tote than the time before. Work did not seem like such a drudgery. Steadfastly minded we face our challenges one step at a time. We remind ourselves who is fighting for us and with us. [Ex 14:14]
God challenged Joshua not to be afraid. That same challenge applies to us. What are you afraid of today? What terrifies you? What frightens you? What is the worst possible outcome you have played over and over again in your mind? What fears have paralyzed your faith suffocated your peace? Instead of fear we must give into faith. Faith triumphs fear. Fear is a tool of the enemy to get us to doubt and lose heart. Read [II Tim 1:7] Let God overcome your fears.
Do not be dismayed. To be dismayed is to be overwhelmed and bewildered by what you see. Where is your gaze today? Are you looking at all your trials? Are you, like Peter, looking at the swelling waves instead of looking at the Master? We get in trouble when we take our eyes off Him. We entertain doubts. We worry. We get discouraged and fall into depression. When we keep our gaze on God and His promises we always have hope.
God said one other thing to Joshua that often gets overlooked in this passage. In fact it is just a four letter little word that I think is the most important word in this whole passage. It is the word with. With means to accompany, to take responsibility. God told Joshua He would be with Him wherever He went. He makes that same promise to us. He accompanies His children through each step of life. He is present. He is available. He is our Shepherd. Even when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death He is with us. [Ps 23:4] To the very end of our days God is with us. He is a refuge and our strength. [Ps 46:1]
That was my timely word yesterday. I saw God use that word to minister to several others last night. Perhaps He will use it again in your life. I pray it be so.
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