Friday, November 9, 2018

For The Love Of Books

I was just holding a red hard cover book. This book was published in 1956. You can see from inside the pages where the book was bound with stitching and not glue they so often use today. The pages are no longer white. They have begun to fade into a dull yellow over the past 64 years. At least a couple of people owned this book before me; a lady named Kathleen and a man named Jess. I guess I should put my name on the inside cover as now I am the rightful owner and steward of this little book.

I spent a good portion of yesterday reading. I totally lost track of time while doing so. Time passed as I got lost in the pages. I LOVE TO READ. I am thankful for the gift of learning to read. I am most thankful for the vision to be able to see to read. I am appreciative of all the books I have been blessed with to read and have read.

Each of those books contains truth and the spiritual experiences of fellow followers of God through the ages. I admit my books are limited to theology books, biographies and autobiographies of preachers, pastors and missionaries. It is always a good day when I can carve out some time to read.

No book I own holds more affection in my heart than my well worn leather bound Bible. There are pages where the color has turned yellow from where my hands have held it as I preached over the past two decades. There are passages hi-lighted, underlined with all sorts of notations around circled words and phrases. Just as much as I've read other books I have immersed myself in reading the sacred scriptures. In 1995 I committed to read through the Bible at least once a year.  Just this morning I read several fascinating passages in Matthew soaking up the words of Jesus. Like a sponge I wanted God's truth.

Here is a sobering thought. What good do books and our Bibles do for us if we never open them, read them, and dig into them. It pains my heart I own multiple volumes I have never opened. There is so much to learn. No matter how many times I read the Bible through there is so much more to discover. More of God to know. More revelation to receive.

God has made available to us a wealth of knowledge and insight into His truth and Himself. Sadly, many do not take advantage of these things. There seems so little hunger for reading and studying the Bible outside a religious gathering anymore. Television is more enticing. It amazes me we can sit in front of a television flipping channels and endlessly searching for something to watch when books beg for our attention in vain.

I do not say this arrogantly. The most significant encounters I have had with God over the past three decades have been alone with Him and my Bible somewhere. He has at times used other books to influence my life in deep ways. Yes, I have encountered God in public worship services. Those pale in comparison to those private encounters I've had with God in the pages of His book. His word. The Bible.

May we never quit hungering to know God and His word. May that desire consume us. Read these following verses and plead with God to revive your love not just for books but for THE BOOK.

Psalm 119:37-38 (NKJV)
37  Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, And revive me in Your way.
38  Establish Your word to Your servant, Who is devoted to fearing You.

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