Tuesday, February 20, 2024


 There are some things in life that defy the law of averages. While people may take some risks, typically they are calculated risks. We prefer the odds to be in our favor. 800:1 odds do not fall into that category. Those are exactly the odds that Josheb faced. 

Josheb was one of the mighty men of David. He had a nickname "Abino of Eznite." The name literally means voluptuous, delightful and dainty. Not exactly characteristics I would use to describe a warrior. 

We have all heard the phrase not to judge a book by its cover. We still do it all the time. I am glad God does not do that. I would label Josheb as a pretty boy. Behind that pretty appearance was a fierce and courageous warrior. God chose to work powerfully through Him. Just like He did through Moses, Joshua, David, and Paul the apostle. God looks beyond the cover of the outside. He sees the heart and sees those who trust Him. 

Josheb took a stand when nobody stood with him against 800 enemy forces. Faith coursed through his veins. Courage consumed him. He did not think of the impossibility of the odds and what he could not do. Instead, he thought of the possible things God could do through him. We have the luxury of hindsight to see how it turned out for Josheb. On that day, he had no guarantees. He still attacked when most would have whimpered and run away. He stood alone when the safer bet was to retreat and live to fight another day. 

Josheb stood and fought with a spear. God worked through him and he killed 800 men at one time with a spear. Read it for yourself in [II Sam 23:8]. 800:1 is impossible. Impossible for us. Possible with God. 

I can't help but think the ripple effects of David's faith impacted Josheb. David killed Goliath. That one act made David a legend. The women sang that King Saul slew thousands, but David slew ten thousand. Everywhere David went his reputation as a giant slayer proceeded him. I imagine that the faith David had rippled down to other people. Especially Josheb. 

Josheb's faith ripples down to us today. How did he have the courage to face 800 enemies alone? He was not alone. God was with Him. God plus one always equals more than 800. It all started with one simple act of obedience. Kill the first soldier. Big dreams can hinge on simple single acts of obedience. You never know what one simple act in response to God's call will lead. You never know what one divinely orchestrated conversation  doors will open. 

What is that next act of obedience for you? What is it for me? We take one faith step and then the next, and the next, and the next, and so forth. You kill 800 enemy soldiers one at a time and one after another. The whole story is impossible. Nobody has the physical stamina to kill 800 others in hand to hand combat at one time with a spear. Nobody can do that, but on the other hand, anybody can do that who is surrendered to God and God works through. 

I want to be a Josheb. Courageously facing 800:1 odds and watching God do miracles. I want to live a life where the ripples of my faith inspire countless others to trust God and follow His calling no matter how impossible it seems. Even if I have to stand alone. I hope you want the same thing as well. May God be glorified by our simple acts of obedience and the corresponding ripples that go to the ends of the earth. 

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