Friday, January 19, 2024

Live in the Present

 I read an interesting statistic today. Nearly 47% of people are thinking about something else rather than the task they are performing. They do not concentrate on the moment. They think about things in the past or possibilities of the future. They do not live in the present. 

I thought about that stat for awhile. I found myself guilty. I tried to concentrate in the moment. To live in the present of what I was doing at that time. I couldn't get my mind to be still. I could still my body. My mind raced ahead like wild mustangs refusing to be tamed. There was no rhyme or reason to the hundreds of thoughts that raced through my mind. Things from the past, things of the future, things I needed to do, things I wished I had done differently. I thought about many things except what I actually wanted to concentrate on. 

My singular focus was to listen to God. It seemed an impossible test to live in that present moment. Finally I pleaded for God to help me. To take control of my thoughts. Then, without warning the floodgates of Heaven opened and God ushered me into an encounter with Him that made me lose track of everything else but Him in that moment. I cannot describe it. It is something you would have to experience for yourself. 

It made me painfully aware of how often my prayers are religious activities instead of divine encounters. I can be so distracted by so many things. God waits to be wanted. For me to fully show up in the present moment attentive, receptive, and responsive. 

I need the mind of Christ and for Him to take my thoughts captive. I need to live in the present. Not a prisoner chained to past mistakes and regrets. I need to focus on today instead of what tomorrow might or might not bring. I need to live fully engaged in the day I am living. I suspect I may not be the only one who needs to do that. 

Living in the present means fully taking in this moment of writing. To feel the hard plastic keys on the keyboard on my finger tips. To hear the tapping of the keys with each word. To think intentionally about the next sentence. To be fully engaged at the task at hand. To prayerfully write hoping this helps someone somewhere around the world. 

I wonder how many are mindlessly trudging through their days at work or school. How many are just trying to get to quitting time. How many will come home to houses full of kids, but never fully engage those children during the evening. How many will sit on the sofa or in the recliner and get caught up in a movie. Whatever we do today may we live in that moment. 

If we choose rebellion and sin, may we fully experience the conviction, emptiness, and remorse of electing sin over holiness. If we live in hypocrisy, may we fully experience God's conviction of living a double life. If we choose to pray, worship, or study the scriptures, may we go all in. May we encounter the living God in those moments. To live full throttle for Him. 

All any of us can do is live in the present. That is all we have. Why waste time on things we cannot change or undo. Why waste time worrying about a future that may or may not happen. Don't miss the day. Don't overlook God's blessings today. His presence in the present. Live your present like it is your last. Squeeze all out of your present moment you can get out of it. This is the way not waste a life. 

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