Tuesday, December 15, 2020

You Are Never Going To Change My Mind

 180 outreach ministry stepped out on another cold night to the skate park. We did not see a familiar face again. To our surprise we saw the first female skater. We'll call her Blair. She accompanied Jim and Cade. Not their real names. 

Each brought a skateboard. We struck up a conversation quickly about skateboards. We told them about the skateboard we are giving away this Sunday at the park. We asked them about the brand and they seemed impressed. 

Like all the others, they were willing to talk. When I introduced the subject of Jesus, Blair, said, "I was never exposed to that growing up." Jim never said anything one way or the other. Cade had much to say. He started by saying he used to believe and attend church. He reported a leader in that church turned out to be a bad guy and turned him off of church and religion. He called the attenders fake. Hypocrites.

I quickly discerned Cade is a perceptive young man. He sees through the empty religious rituals that do not mean anything to many people. Cade is also very misguided. He said Christianity is only a religion for the United States. He does not believe the Bible is an authoritative book from God. He identified himself as an agnostic who is not an atheist. He just does not believe in the God of the Bible. 

He then said, "There is no proof it is real." I talked about the resurrection and all of Christianity could have been stopped in its tracks if they just could have produced the body of Jesus out of that empty tomb. They could not because Jesus came back to life. He did not buy it. 

Personal testimonies were given by Connie and me about answers to prayer. All three had gathered to listen. Cade and Blair sat on their boards. Cade looked down at the concrete. Finally he said, "You are never going to change my mind." He got up to skate some more. As he did, the prayer formed, "I can't but God You can."

We visited with them for well over an hour. Learning more about skating, board designs, and their personal lives. We did not talk about Jesus the whole time. I sure felt Blair was listening and digesting it all. Cade's arguments most certainly influence her since they are dating. 

As I reflect on the evening, several thoughts surface. For one, the hypocrisy and fake people in church are turning off this young generation. They see right through it. They long for sincerity. Not just the young generation. Lost people in general see through inauthenticity. It is apparent, at least in Cade's life, he has not seen many authentic truly devoted followers of Jesus. Cade does not even believe Jesus was a historical figure. Something really turned him off. He is exactly the reason we keep showing up, braving cold temperatures, pushing past our comfort zones and engaging these young people in faith conversations. 

Each week Allan and Connie donate food. Typically pizza or tacos. They are open to eating with us. They are open to talking about their lives. They are not as open about Jesus and church. Organized religion has failed many. Church members actually can repel the very people Jesus died to save. They will seldom hear the gospel truth because they have no intention of darkening the doors of any church. The church continues with ministry as usual. There are several churches within walking distance from the park, but they hold no interest for the ones we have met thus far. 

They are not coming to us. Let me say that again more emphatically. LOST PEOPLE ARE NOT COMING TO US! Most of our outreach efforts are focused on attracting them to come to our special event. Jesus told us to go to them. Matt 28:19-20. Mark 16:15. Acts 1:8. We are to go. The responsibility is not on them to come. 

Why would lost people ever want to get involved in any church when they are likely to be judged, rejected, treated as outcasts and ostracized. They already experience that in life. They are often misunderstood. Many are hard hearted to spiritual things but friendly and engaging to strangers on their turf. We in the church could learn some things from these skaters. They are hospitable. Helpful. Courteous. The more skaters I meet, the more I love them and am impressed with them. 

Many we have talked to are thinkers. They don't just believe something because somebody told them to do so. They think for themselves. Many are misguided. I trust the Lord will show us favor in due time, as we win the right to be heard. I look forward to prolonged conversations and open and honest debates much like Paul engaged in on Mars Hill. 

We are committed to keep showing up. We look down the road and question what will happen when it gets too cold to go outside? What will happen if we ever start a consistent Bible study? Where will we meet? I doubt seriously they will be open to coming to Spring Creek. I have wondered if God might use No Compromise Ministries, my non profit, 501-c3 ministry to rent a place one day. That is something I continue to pray through for the time being. 

For now, we pray. We keep showing up. We will engage further with the hook of giving away a free skateboard. All with the hope and expectation Jesus will save some. I can see it through faith. God specialized in changing people's minds who think they will never change Look through history. Paul. C.S. Lewis. Lee Strobel. Just to name a few. God changed all their minds. I trust He will do it agin and again. 

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