Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Spring Creek Revival Day Three

Like last night, Brenda and I arrived at the church at 6:00 p.m. I went to my office to highlight a few things in my notes and then headed to the prayer room. Three other men joined me at 6:30 p.m. to bathe the service in prayer. I knew the word of the Lord for the night would be very heavy.

Once again the hand of God rested heavily on the Atens in leading us in worship. Sherman, Tammy and Brooke have all been blessed with beautiful voices. They are also talented musicians. That does not tell the whole story. They lead worship from their own worship.

 I found great encouragement in words in several of the songs that dealt with grace, the freedom we have in Christ and our chains being gone. I thought back to chains of my past and could sing tonight that they are gone. Jesus set me free. It is one thing to sing spiritual songs. It is a whole other matter to sing at the top of your lungs to Jesus for what He has done for you. I don't know how long the worship, but it seemed to end way too soon for me.

I strode to the pulpit with resolve. The scripture for the night was Luke 13:10-17 about the woman Satan bound for 18 years. The message dealt with freedom from bondage. As part of that message, I had to share three experiences when I was sexually abused as a child. By a neighbor and some cousins. Brenda told me on the way home she had never heard me share one of those stories. Not something I enjoy sharing. It is embarrassing. God dealt with it, saved me and brought wholeness into my life. I seldom even think about it. Yet, it fit into the message tonight. Through Jesus I am not a victim but have His victory.

When the invitation was extended, a young couple who got saved back in February, went to the counseling room with some of our counselors. They were back there a long time and I never did hear what happened. If you were watching from home, I can tell you the camera could not capture what happened off camera. Brenda and I are still trying to process it.

A husband and wife went to the altar to pray together in a tender moment. Two wives prayed together at the altar. Several sang joyfully in the congregation. After a while, I went to the back of the sanctuary to soak in all God was doing.

I saw several heads bowed crying out to God. Others stood hands raised in worship. Sherman played song after song. Though I announced to the crowd there would be no official ending of the service and they could leave at anytime they felt inclined to do so, nobody did. For thirty straight minutes people either sang reverently and sat in God's presence taking it in. Sherman went seamlessly from song to song.

It was at this point the real move of God began. A grandmother and her grandson got up to leave. We visited briefly on their way out. A few moments later the teenage grandson came back in and sat down in a pew. The grandmother followed close behind and whispered to me, "He said he was not ready to leave." I wanted to shout hallelujah. A little later I saw that same grandmother with her hands lifted in worship.

A lady talked to me in the foyer about a person she had carried anger in her heart toward for a long time. As she prayed through this, Sherman played a song that the person she was mad at used to play. Though this person has been dead for some time she has been bondage to anger and bitterness. She testified in that moment  when Sherman played that song,  God set her free. She felt God used Sherman to sing that song just for her from the Lord. We rejoiced that she left tonight free for the first time in a long time.

We were blessed to see a former member of our youth group from 29 years ago. Allan is married with three children. I could hardly believe when he told me he was 41 years old. He leads worship at his local fellowship and works with students. What a joy to see him and hear how God is using him.

Toward the very end, a young man approached me. He asked if he could visit with Brenda and I in my office privately. Brenda was busy visiting with people in another part of the room, and I still had people wanting to talk to me. I assured the young man I would as soon as I could get Brenda's attention. Several minutes passed before the three of us convened in my office.

It was evident the young man was distraught. When we all sat down he said, "I think I faked getting saved when I was young. I don't think it was real." Brenda and I were shocked. Totally unexpected. He was definitely under conviction. I asked if he had prayed to receive Christ that night. He had not and we all bowed our heads. He prayed his own prayer. Through broken sobs he managed to pray, "God I need you. I've done so much wrong. Please forgive me and come into my heart." It was a sincere prayer offered from a tormented soul. I looked up and asked the young man if he really meant what he prayed. He assured me he did. Brenda reached over to hug him and I walked around the desk to do the same. God saved another soul tonight. Not just any soul. He saved our youngest son Turner!We are still trying to process it.

Turner felt he needed to call someone to apologize and make amends with he had recently offended. The angels are rejoicing. He said God had dealt with him for the past three days going back to the first service of the revival when Neal Mclaughlin shared his testimony about serving as a deacon, Sunday School teacher and treasurer even though he knew he was not saved. God used that testimony to save my son. HALLELUJAH! God saved and set Turner free tonight. The angels are still rejoicing. Brenda and I  got home about 45 minutes ago. We are still processing.

All in all God did not finish working in this meeting until 9:00 p.m. Two full hours of worship and ministry. The melodies of Tammy, Sherman and Brooke, the weighty presence of God, the deliverance of several people, THE SALVATION OF MY SON made this the best night so far. IT IS ONLY NIGHT THREE. What will God do next? We will soon celebrate baptism. Now my son is also my brother in Christ. HALLELUJAH!

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